About Me

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My name is Heather! I am a mom of 3 amazing, super smart, talented, aggravating, lazy, special, hilarious, all around awesome kiddos :) My husband is the funniest person aside from my son, and he's my best friend!!! I have a small handful of close friends who are the other part of my heart! I love fall decor, frapps and lattes, couponing, and trying out products!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Toe Juice!!!

 Okay, I know. The name is definitely a name you won't forget!! It stands out and catches your attention because its super different!! I think its catchy and cute!!! 

Toe Juice is a great product. I personally, have always had issues with my feet, my husband and kids could verify that! I've had swelling over the years, dry feet, painful feet, sometimes it would bring me to tears, not much, but a few times. To come across a product like this, was, at the very least intriguing and frankly, I was excited to try it!!

Toe Juice is made to help tired feet, dry skin, athletes foot, or calluses, A natural remedy of healing plant extracts called Dermavine., is a special blend of natural plant extracts an alcohol solution to deliver the dermavine where ots needed. Dermavine is a blend of special natural plant extracts that is formulated to exfoliate dead and damaged cells encourage regrowth, and destroy viral, fungal, and bacterial invaders. Its natural formulation is comprised of ingredients such as lemon peel, willow bark, and Cinnamon. These, and other ingredients, in the right quantity and combinations, provide protection against contaminants and supply the needed nutrients for cells to grow and replace damaged cells.

The Dermavine formula is carried to the affected area by an alcohol solution. The benefits of n such delivery are great. The liquid is readily absorbed by the skin, the alcohol helps destroy the fungal, viral and bacterial invaders, and because of its liquid form, it gets absorbed quickly and doesn't leave a greasy feeling or residue.

I'd have to say, in my experience as someone who has tried this product and thoroughly enjoys the results. There are hardly any risks here. All benefits!! So give it a try! Natural ingredients, easy application, absorbs quickly!!!! 

Yes please!!!

I am so excited to see long term results now!! It works great even after a few uses. I even got a little tingly feeling that is normal, and was great!!!

Try this out yall!! Its worth it


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