About Me

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My name is Heather! I am a mom of 3 amazing, super smart, talented, aggravating, lazy, special, hilarious, all around awesome kiddos :) My husband is the funniest person aside from my son, and he's my best friend!!! I have a small handful of close friends who are the other part of my heart! I love fall decor, frapps and lattes, couponing, and trying out products!!!

Monday, November 2, 2020

Acne Slayer

Anyone who has ever had Acne knows, Dermatologists can be expensive. Acne medications that are prescribed can be expensive and harsh to your body.I have struggled with mild Acne my whole life, I never went to a Dermatologist, However, my son who is now 15, also struggles with Acne and he does see one. So I can completely understand the financial loss to Acne.&nbsp

Acne Slayer is an alternative to doctors and prescribed medications. If it works for you, can save you lots of money!

It is not tested on animals! Which was one of the best facts I found on this!

Acne Slayer is infused with DermaVine, a proprietary blend of plant based extracts that enhance the skins natural ability to repair itself, made from ingredients such as lemon peel oil, willow bark and Cinnamon.

The company that makes this Acne Medication, is called, On Wings of Healing.

Their goal is to make this 45 yr old remedy available and affordable to the many who suffer from confidence destroying skin issues!

This Acne treatment will help, Pimples, Zits, Rudolph Red Nose Pimple and much more!!!

This is dermatologist approved, and proven to be effective against ALL forms of acne for the past 45 years! 

This dermaVine formula is carries to the affected area by an alcohol solution. The benefits of such delivery are threefold. First, the liquid is readily absorbed by the skin. Many skin care treatments come in the form of creams and salves. These treatments tend to sit on the surface of the skin instead of making their way deeper into affected areas.

The alcohol also helps the destroy the fungal, viral, and bacterial troublemakers often responsible for your skin issues. Thirdly, due to its liquid form, it absorbs quickly and will not leave a greasy, unpleasant residue on the skin. It can be used anytime, anywhere and no one will know you used it!.

Yes, we all know alcohol can dry out your skin. However, alcohol paired with Dermavine, it has the opposite effect. The alcohol carries the Derma to the surface where the DermaVine is absorbed, while the alcohol destroys contaminants on the surface and then evaporates! The DermaVine absorbed rehydrate the cells and boosts the bodys ability to 

Grow new, healthy skin cells.

So, with all of that, I have been using this AcneSlayer about a week. At first use, my face instantly felt cleaner, softer. I can see some differences in some spots already, and am super excited to see long term results!!

I love using this every day!!

I use it twice a day, and sometimes rinse it off after, sometimes leave it. Depends on if I'm in a hurry, however its perfectly okay to do either!! The tingly sensation is my favorite 😁 i will admit, the smell isn't my favorite, but it isn't bad, it smells as IT SHOULD FOR WHAT IT DOES AND THE INGREDIENTS INCLUDED, I don't need some fancy smelling product, if it works. Doesn't matter!!!

If you're tired of paying an arm and a leg to fight your acne....you seriously need to give this a try!!! 

If you don't want to only hear from me alone, hear from many who have used Acne Slayer long term, there are testimonials at www.slayerskin.com


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