About Me

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My name is Heather! I am a mom of 3 amazing, super smart, talented, aggravating, lazy, special, hilarious, all around awesome kiddos :) My husband is the funniest person aside from my son, and he's my best friend!!! I have a small handful of close friends who are the other part of my heart! I love fall decor, frapps and lattes, couponing, and trying out products!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Cute colored Gallon Water Bottle!

 Loving these Super cute colors on this Soxcoxo Gallon sized Water Bottle!

The teal and pink, they fade perfectly together the make it pop, and look very cute!

As I said, it is Gallon sized, 128 oz!

It is also BPA Free!!!

I have always loved this brand, and their Water Bottles!

The Gallon size is Perfect, and lasts all day! It has an easy carry strap, and a regular ergonomic handle, as well as,

2 Lids you can use, a straw/sip type that is food grade silicone, and a pour spout type! I love the straw type lid, it makes it very easy to grab a sip while I am at work!

It also has the time markers listed on the side to keep you on track drinking the right amount of water a day! Along with encouraging cute words to keep you motivated to stay hydrated!

Use it for other beverages, carry it to work, the gym, wherever you need! The ease of using this Bottle is great!

 VERY cute and cost friGreat! Stay healthy with this Gallon Size bottle, I know I am!

There are other color options available on the product page also!



 My kids and nephew were excited that I bought these Walkie Talkies.

They are by Topsung, and they are super cool

We love that there are 3 in the set, and they are all different colors!

The best part is that they are for Kids or Adults!

So you can use them, not only to play, but for work, hunting, fishing, running, Camping, so many options!

Whatever you need Walkies for, these will do the job!

They also have an awesome long range, depending on terrain, they can go 1 mile, 4 miles, or even up to 16 miles!!!

Connect them all together on one of the 22 channels that they access!

They also have a long standby time! 3-4 days!

They take AA batteries, so nothing crazy, easy to replace!

My husband is excited to try them out at work, he works on a job that they HAVE yo use Walkies, and they don't have enough for everyone, so he plans to take them with him sometimes to work!

These are definitely a top quality Walkie radio, at the very least, the kids have been having a blast with them!

I added a video to show the look of these

you use the basic button on the side to talk, it also has a call button, to call one of the other walkies

I even left these on the other morning,, and it picked up some chatter from the front of my neighborhood, where some guys were working, so I can attest for the range! They work great!!

Check them out here!http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BGSY46N

Friday, June 25, 2021

The Infamous Pop Fidget toys!

 If you have kids, or have someone special, that is special needs, in your life I am sure by now, you have heard of these Amazing little Pop Fidget toys! 

I have 3 teenagers, First I will say, I heard of these toys from them, as a Fad toy. I had no idea all of the benefits they have!

So its all over social media, and there are videos out of kids playing with theys push pop Fidget toys. However, alot of these videos don't explain the Fidget Toy well enough!

My oldest has ADHD, so I learned of all the different Fidget toys over the years, and they seem to help him. These toys always end up as a fad, and that's great too, but I want to talk about some of the benefits of this specific toy!!

As a parent if a child with ADHD, I have to learn new a different concentration tips for him always, as well as tips for anxiety, and frustration that comes along with ADHD.

These pop Fidget toys not only are Great for kids with ADHD, but also adults with similar special traits, as well as autism, anxiety, stress, any Sensory disorder, and more!!!

These help to focus on the one task(game) at hand, and its calming, the movements of popping the Fidget Toy are calming as well!

As focus is #1 benefits for my son, I also learned that this toy, is a game too!! Which is awesome! 

So It also gives the owner a chance to work on communicating as well, if there are issues in that areaA

The game rules are very simple and easy to remember. Each player, in turn, presses any bubble of their choosing, whoever presses the last bubble is the lower!

My kids thoroughly enjoy these toys, as do I

This is the first time I have tried it out, and it is definitely calming

The colors are super cute as well! There are a few different options to chose from with this brand which is ENNO

These are available on amazon!!!


Thursday, June 10, 2021

2 Pronged Surged Protector W/USB

      I Just Received my 2-Pronged Surge Protector that I ordered, and I wanted to talk a little about it!!!

So, a little back story first, I recently moved from an older home that was built in....well, I don't know, we were renting, but it was older. It was one of those starting out, starting over, rentals for us! It was in our price range, but was OLD!! One of the issues we had was that ALL of the outlets were 2 Pronged! So we had to go out and but all sorts of adapters for the kids gaming systems and stuff!

Now, our quaint little older home worked for us, but had its issues. If I had, gotten one of these 2 pronged outlets then, it would have been a life safer, so when I came across it, I HAD to get it and see how well it worked, and what it would work for, for all of you guys!!!

There so many people that leave this issue with outlets that cannot afford to just change over outlets, and redo wiring. Especially in this economy right now!

So thing like this surge protector, to adapt to what we need is perfect! (Affordable too!)

So let's talk Voltage! 

The parameters for this 2 prong plug power surge, is.....

Input: 100-240 V AC

Input Current: 10A MAX AC

USB Output Voltage: 5V DC

USB Output Current: 2.1A(Single USB)

USB Total Output Current: 3.1A

Total cord: 6 ft. 18AWG

More powerful features

It also has widely spaced sockets to accommodate more kinds of plugs

The built in USB is a great aspect for me!! I love that!!

Now, this is NOT Compatible with HIGH drain appliances, like, electric heaters!! So please, do not try to connect electric heaters or A/C units to this ans cause a major issue in your home!!!

However, it is great for those sensitive electronics that you need to Plus in more than one at a time.

So just plug this bad boy in to the wall socket and then plug in your TV, Video Game System, Stereo, DVD Player, Cell phone charger even to those USB ports and Enjoy yall!! I think its great!!

Just no major appliances!!!

The strip also has an overload/overcurrent on/off switch and surge protection for your electronics. 

So all in all, if you are one of those in a home, that only has 2 prong outlets! This will work great for your electronic needs!

Works great!!

You can use it in a regular outlet as well btw

Go ahead and check it out here!
