About Me

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My name is Heather! I am a mom of 3 amazing, super smart, talented, aggravating, lazy, special, hilarious, all around awesome kiddos :) My husband is the funniest person aside from my son, and he's my best friend!!! I have a small handful of close friends who are the other part of my heart! I love fall decor, frapps and lattes, couponing, and trying out products!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2021

New Glasses Review!! ABBE Frames & Lenses

Hey Yall!!

    Everyone who knows me and my family, know my two teenage daughters wear glasses.

They are super picky when It comes to their frames, because they're teenagers!!

It's hard to find what they like, at a decent price because let's face it, glasses are expensive yall!!

If you yourself wear glasses, or have family members, kids, Husband, wives, etc. Then you fully understand exactly what I am saying.

After the cost of the eye Doctor appt plus the cost of the glasses, you are usually in a few hundred at least.

Well, to top it off, my girls have a habit of breaking and loosing their expensive glasses!!

At first, I didn't even know that you could order prescription glasses online!

Since I too, am going to need glasses as well I was very excited to see new sales on ABBE glasses website!!

All you need is your prescription and your Pupilary distance and you can choose from a huge variety of frames and lenses. You can choose blue light blocking, different types of lenses you may need and so much more!!

It was about time to get my 13 year old some new glasses as a backup pair from the ones we got at the eye doctor.

She chose some super cute black frames with gold!! Although she had a hard time choosing from all the cute ones!!

I am going to add some photos of course!

This website is the perfect solution for anyone that needs glasses that ate well made at an affordable cost.

We all absolutely love ABBE!!

Their shipping was a tad slow but it was not unreasonable, especially considering the time of year we ordered them lol.

We will never again spend hundreds of dollars on glasses when we can order from ABBE.

As dar as the glasses themselves, the quality is amazing!! .she can see clearly with no issues.

We opted to measure her pupilary distance at home with was super easy, the ABBE website actually walks you through the process of measuring which was very helpful!!

We absolutely love these glasses!!

Get yours here!! You'll fall in love with thus brand too!!


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