About Me

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My name is Heather! I am a mom of 3 amazing, super smart, talented, aggravating, lazy, special, hilarious, all around awesome kiddos :) My husband is the funniest person aside from my son, and he's my best friend!!! I have a small handful of close friends who are the other part of my heart! I love fall decor, frapps and lattes, couponing, and trying out products!!!

Monday, July 6, 2020

GO! Pro shakes for kids and teens Chocolate

Go! Pro Shakes for kids and teens, I always try stuff like this before giving it to my kids, and I can tell you, I love the flavor!! It taste exactly like chocolate Ice cream! It not too overwhelming and taste way better than the other chocolate protein drinks we have tried! It mixes easily, with 6oz low fat milk, or almond or soy, 1/2 cup of ice, and 1/4 cup of the go! Pro mix. Blend it in a blender for 10-20 seconds, a little longer if you still see powder chunks. I had to go 5 extra seconds.
I tried it, and my 15 year old son tried it and its great! We have been working on our health and fitness and this is a great additive to our daily routine to stay satisfied longer and get the protein and nutrients needed! You can find the ingredients here and order your own!!! Its worth it for sure-

#kidsnutrition #health #diet #teens #children #proteinshake #healthysnacks #youngathletes #youthsports

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