About Me

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My name is Heather! I am a mom of 3 amazing, super smart, talented, aggravating, lazy, special, hilarious, all around awesome kiddos :) My husband is the funniest person aside from my son, and he's my best friend!!! I have a small handful of close friends who are the other part of my heart! I love fall decor, frapps and lattes, couponing, and trying out products!!!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Wellution Purple Hair Mask!

Wellution-Color Protect Intensive Purple
hair mask
(for blonde & bleached hair)

Anti-Brassiness & Intense Care Restores Dry and Damaged Hair.

It is a violet pigmented hair toner supplemented with avocado oil, retinol, & silk protein. It reduces yellow/brassy tones.
Give your hair graceful ash platinum hue and stunning shine with this premium purple hair mask. This professional formula will also revitalize and recover your hair after the harmful process of bleaching.

Only the best potent ingredients like Hydrolized Keratin, Retinol, Hydrolized silk protein, Argon & Avocado Oils and more!
It is Made in the USA! These are all awesome aspects of this product for me, I love when something is made in the USA!
I love y long hair and anything to helo make it shine, im wiling to try! Ive been wanting to go lighter so this is the perfect product for me to use after!
It also smells so amazing yall! I wish you could smell it through the photo!
It is very cost friendly as well!
The process for this is simple...
Apply after shampooing from roots to ends! Leave in 5-10 minutes and rinse, style as usual
Super easy! If you love your blonde bleached locks, and hate that yellow tint you sometimes get, this is the perfect product for you!!!
Get yours here!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Professnore!!! Get your sleep back!

If you are anything like me, you had no idea there was an oral spray for snoring!!!
I was skeptical at first, how can an oral spray help snoring?!? But it does!

Snoring occurs when there is an obstruction on the free flowing air through the passages at the back of the throat, due to narrow respiratory airways. Snoring occurs when these structures strike each other and vibrate during breathing.

Professnore is a pump spray device intended to coat the upper respiratory airways with a thin layer of oily lubricant that prevents or reduces the vibration that causes snoring.
This is not a cure for sleep apnea, or a related respiratory medical condition. Contact your physician for further advice for those things.

 It tastes pretty good too! Probably because its made with mineral oil, Glycerin, Eucalyptus Oil, and Spearmint oil!
Use it before bedtime, shake a few times, adjust orifice and spray towards your larynx 3 times, hold for 30 seconds and then swallow.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, ask your doctor before use, if you eat or drink after use, you'll have to use again, so best to use right when you are laying down for the night.
Also, do not use within 1 hour of alcohol consumption. This is great for those who cannot deal with the nasal clips or other snoring items used directly on your nose, this is a perfect alternative!
There are NO known side effects to this spray!
It is safe and effective, sugar free, clinically tested, and no preservatives. only 9 calories.

Check it out here and order your own! Get your sleep back!!!

Monday, July 6, 2020

Terra Max Pro premium wild Alaskan salmon oil for dogs and cats

Okay Yall, if you are like us, your fur babies are your family, your extra children and for some, only children. You want the best for them just like a child. You want to know that what you are giving your babies is good for them, and benefits them in any way possible!
This Salmon oil is LEGIT, let me say again, LEGIT! It has so many benefits for your pets, you cannot say no to trying it out!
Now, this may be a long blog, but I want you to fully understand why we love Terramax Pro and use it daily. Here is the info you do not want to miss reading!!!!!!

Salmon Oil is on of the most important suppliments to help keep your fur babys body and mind in top shape! The Omega fatty acids in Salmon Oil provide widespread benefits. Helps support healthy skin, coat, joints, heart, kidney, and the development and maintenance of the brain, eyes, and immune system. It even helps promote weight loss in overweight pets and may help reduce allergies. Not all Salmon oil is exactly the same! The source, purity, and concentration make a huge difference in the quality of fish oil. Terramax Pro's Premium Wild Alaskan Salmon oil is the highest quality fish oil that you will find anywhere! Crafted from wild caught Salmon and molecularly distilled for purity from all toxins. It is refined for maximum potency. Just a few things Terramax Pro Salmon oil can do for your furry family members:
EPA , one of the two Omega 3 fatty acids in Salmon Oil, acts as an anti-inflammatory, which can help with any condition that causes inflammation of the heart, kidneys, skin, and joints. DHA, the other Omega 3 fatty acid in Salmon oil is important in brain and eye development in puppies and kittens, and is recommended for pregnant or nursing pets(which is an awesome fact that I was not aware of). It can help reduce inflammation due to allergies and reduce dry, itchy skin. Which is great to reduce hot spots! It promotes a shiny, healthy coat and may reduce shedding, which may even mean fever hair balls for cats!
Terramax Pro is wild caught exclusively from the prisine, beautiful waters of Alaska!
Also, using ONLY sustainable and environmentally responsible fishing methods.
Try it now, to keep your pet active, healthy, and happy!
It is then Molecularly distilled, that removes all sorts of toxins to make it the purest!

Needless to say, by this point, I know you are hooked and ready to buy.
Now let me give you my personal experience with this product!

We have been using this Premium Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil for dogs and cats for the last few months for our pup Izzy. The results have been really good!
Her fur is shinier and it has helped with her seasonal itching and dry skin! She thoroughly enjoys the flavor! She gets super excited when its dinner time for her!
I was not even aware of Salmon oil for pets before this brand, so I can't really say I have compared it to another. However, I do not see after using this for a decent amount of time, that it compares on any level to another brand.
To be able to give our baby the purest Salmon oil, that benefits her in so many ways. I am very happy!
Try this out Guys!!! You will not regret it!!
I included before and after photos, I apologize, Izzy is not very photo attentive, but we tried!



GO! Pro shakes for kids and teens Chocolate

Go! Pro Shakes for kids and teens, I always try stuff like this before giving it to my kids, and I can tell you, I love the flavor!! It taste exactly like chocolate Ice cream! It not too overwhelming and taste way better than the other chocolate protein drinks we have tried! It mixes easily, with 6oz low fat milk, or almond or soy, 1/2 cup of ice, and 1/4 cup of the go! Pro mix. Blend it in a blender for 10-20 seconds, a little longer if you still see powder chunks. I had to go 5 extra seconds.
I tried it, and my 15 year old son tried it and its great! We have been working on our health and fitness and this is a great additive to our daily routine to stay satisfied longer and get the protein and nutrients needed! You can find the ingredients here and order your own!!! Its worth it for sure-

#kidsnutrition #health #diet #teens #children #proteinshake #healthysnacks #youngathletes #youthsports

Skinny Blend by Skinny Jane

For the last few months, I have been really focusing on getting my life, health and fitness on track. After leaving a stressful job a little over a year ago, I really let myself go.
So when I came across this new shake, I was intrigued, I read that the flavor was better than any other weight loss shake! Yes, I was a little skeptical at first, until I received the product for the first time. The first thing I did was open and smell it!
Y'all this nutritional drink smells and tastes so good! I normally hate the way protein drinks taste, this weight loss one is super tasty! It literally smells like vanilla cake batter!!
I don't dread my morning shake anymore!

Also, I mixes so easily, 6oz milk, 1/2 cup of ice, 1/4 cup of skinny blend in the blender for 10-20 seconds only and its perfect! The mixability is great! No power chunks or ice chunks.
I tried it yesterday morning and it made me feel satisfied for hours! I am a huge snacker, I did not crave a snack at all from morning to lunchtime, I was able to get through my day easily.
For those who love a little extra energy, this shake is for you! It gave me just enough of an extra boost to not need any other energy drinks or shots.
It does come in different flavors, if they are anything like this vanilla one, they will be amazing as well!
I am excited to order more! I love this drink!
If you do not go order your own, you are missing out!!!! ❤
Find the ingredients at skinnyblend.com
Buy your own here!!
#skinnyblend #bestweightlossshake #bestproteinshake #beforeandafterweightloss #bestdietshake #proteinshake

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Pine Tales Recharge

When everything else fails, try PineTales!
We know Sleep. That's why we handpicked the most effective and safe ingredients available on the market and put them into one pill. Because sometimes more is better.
- Guaranteed to help with a restful but more importantly recovering sleep
- Made in USA with the best and most effective Ingredients
- No harmful or confusingly named "Other Ingredients"
- Vegan Friendly and Non GMO
- 30 servings per bottle
