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My name is Heather! I am a mom of 3 amazing, super smart, talented, aggravating, lazy, special, hilarious, all around awesome kiddos :) My husband is the funniest person aside from my son, and he's my best friend!!! I have a small handful of close friends who are the other part of my heart! I love fall decor, frapps and lattes, couponing, and trying out products!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Mosquitavert mosquito repellent bands by body harmonic

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Hey Yall!!!
I got these Mosquitavert mosquito repellent bands from body harmonic. I received these free to try. This review however is my 100% honest and unbiased opinion..it says, all natural geraniol protects you from those pesky mosquitoes! A 2009 study sound geraniol to be most effective deterrent to mosquitoes. this adjustable band is the ultimate in convenience and mosquito protection! you can wear it around your wrist, ankle or on your backpack. It is adjustable to fit everyone in the family. Each band is good for multiple uses which I love. the ones that are one using and he has thrown away you don't really feel like you're getting your money's worth out of them. but be sure to keep out of reach of children when not in use and children under 3, attached and somewhere they can not put in their mouths. In very rare cases, this product may cause skin irritation. And irritation occurs make sure that you wash the area with soap and water and then if irritation continues of course she would contact a medical professional. to use them all you have to do is remove them from the refillable bag put it around your wrist ankle belt bookbag whatever you'd like I just the band and snap it for the most comfortable fit. then when you're not using them just put them back in the resealable bag and they stay fresh for next time. the best part about because they're all natural oil, and deet free. this receivable pack comes with 5 bands tothis and then the repellent just goes along where you go it's wonderful.
so, anyone that knows my little family knows that my youngest daughter Haylee, has a serious problem with has a seri they just love her I'm not sure what it is but when mosquitoes are out she gets it up and they swell up so badly then of course like a lot of children to see pics of them over and over again and then we have trouble with scabs and I as a parent worry of infection but luckily we haven't had that problem yet. we have tried everything from sprays to lotion to just plain old on keeping her inside!!! so far none of these things have worked for my baby. then we came across these mosquito bands, and they work great for her when she wears them she doesn't get bitten at all and she's happy then I'm happy. so with that said I would totally recommend these bands. anyone with children or just anyone in general should buy these because they work amazingly great. as always, I will include a link to Amazon where you can purchase them and a few pictures.



<a href="http://www.tomoson.com/?code=BOTTOMcc6b78f7bb05ebe9db319072147f8482" rel="nofollow"><img style="display: none" src="http://www.tomoson.com/images/front/pixel.png" /></a>

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