About Me

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My name is Heather! I am a mom of 3 amazing, super smart, talented, aggravating, lazy, special, hilarious, all around awesome kiddos :) My husband is the funniest person aside from my son, and he's my best friend!!! I have a small handful of close friends who are the other part of my heart! I love fall decor, frapps and lattes, couponing, and trying out products!!!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Think Fun Math dice chase game

<a href="http://www.tomoson.com/?code=TOPf6fab929ad5c376622fa2ab1bc8021c7" rel="nofollow"><img style="display: none" src="http://www.tomoson.com/images/front/pixel.png" /></a>

Hey Y'all!! I received a really neat #thinkfun Math dice chase game, free to try ;) It came with 4 dice and a little pouch bag, 2 Blue dice and 2 purple dice! It like a math hot potato game! My kids have a blast playing it, plus they're learning which makes this mama happy!! It generally for ages 8 and up and has an MSRP price of only $6.99!! So its red. Affordable! Now my kids are age 11, 10, and 7 and they play it! So the object of the game is to hurry and roll the dice, the child will roll a set of 2 dice. Whatever the 2 dice land on multiply those 2 numbers, they call out their answer, if its right they pass the dice to the child on their right. If they get it wrong they keep the dice. If the other set of dice makes it around and the child has two sets of dice they're out. Initially you play with 4 or more kids, and the two kids sitting across from each other start with a set of dice. Since my youngest is 7 my kids played doing addition instead of multiplication at first, then they played with some neighborhood kids their age so they could multiply!! They love it!! I'll add the link, and you can buy your kids this super funlearning game today!!


<a href="http://www.tomoson.com/?code=BOTTOMf6fab929ad5c376622fa2ab1bc8021c7" rel="nofollow"><img style="display: none" src="http://www.tomoson.com/images/front/pixel.png" /></a>

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