About Me

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My name is Heather! I am a mom of 3 amazing, super smart, talented, aggravating, lazy, special, hilarious, all around awesome kiddos :) My husband is the funniest person aside from my son, and he's my best friend!!! I have a small handful of close friends who are the other part of my heart! I love fall decor, frapps and lattes, couponing, and trying out products!!!

Monday, December 28, 2015

contest time!!!!!

Hey y'all!!! Okay I've never done a contest before so here goes my first!!! I need y'all to share this post, visit my blog and comment directly on my blog!! Not on my link to social media but DIRECTLY to my blog!! The winner will receive a bottle of Zenda Slim to try!!! What I want to know is: What is compelling you to want to loose weight and why do you want to try Zenda Slim? Please comment your answers in a detailed description! I will choose one winner to receive a bottle of Zenda Slim. The contest will last a short time, one week!  and the winner will be announced the day after the contest ends!!! Again, please do not comment on the social media link, ONLY on my blog post titled contest time!! Thanks y'all, I'm excited about this!!


  1. I want to loose weight to feel better about myself. It will also drastically help my health since I am a type 1 diabetic. I would love to try zenda slim because I have tried everything from gym memberships to hard core dieting and none of that is working.

  2. I need to lose weight for a few reasons. The first, is definitely for my health! I have high blood pressure so losing weight will help with that. Second, I have an almost 3 year old who is very active and I need the energy to be able to keep up with him. Also back to the health issue, I need to be healthy so I can be around for many, many more years for him & my other boys. Third, I want my self confidence back. This year has been stressful and I put on a lot of weight. My confidence is not there anymore. It's quite depressing, and I don't feel like going anywhere because it is embarrassing & my clothes are snug. I plan on losing weight no matter what, but winning this contest & trying Zenda Slim, might just be the help I need to get started. I just need energy! I tried a pink drink months ago but it didn't work for me. I just need something to give me that boost so I can start exercising and get that motivation I need. Thank you for this opportunity.

  3. i need to loose weight for many reasons my knees hurt from carrying to much weight.i have no energy and high blood pressure. i would love to try Zenda Slim to start a healthier life

  4. Thanks for your entries y'all!! Remember to follow my blog as well and share the post with the link!! Spread the word ;) thanks for halls support!!

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  6. I am hopefull to lose more weight before I leave for my cruise Feb. 27th. I want too be able to get into my bikini and just be healthy. Have that motivation and energy as well.

  7. I have suffered from bulimia for years. I just recently had surgery after severe problems from my gall bladder. I am fully recovered, thank goodness. I have yet to find a product that truly works. This product sounds like it would be a good fit for me. The bulimia situation is finally under control but it takes hard work and will power to overcome. Thank you for this opportunity.

  8. Well I guess it began when I was in the Army and hurt my knee. I started gaining a little weight while I was still in. In the end when I got out of the Army it was because of my run. After I got out I was sad and depressed I stopped running altogether and gained about 100 pounds in a year. And also found out I have PCOS. I have been struggling ever since. Now that I'm about to be 40 I know it's time for change because I have no children and never have been married. So I realize that I have to take care of myself because there isn't anyone that will be there. I am planning to start my weight loss journey regardless if I win or not

    1. Congratulations Stephanie, you are my winner of the Zenda Slim contest!!! :):) :) ai love your story and am glad I can offer this win to you, it was randomly chosen, but you also had the correct comment to go along with it!! Again congrats and see the comment below I just posted on further details to receive your prize!!

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  11. I have been trying to loose weight for myself but also for my two daughters so they can have a healthier fit mom. I have tried so many different things and nothing has worked for me yet. I am not giving up I try to get in 30 min of zumba at home a day but some days I lack the energy the ummph to get up and work out. Even if I do not win I will keep working on my weight loss Journey because my girls are my whole world. Thank you

  12. Thanks for your entries!! Again just so everyone understands how this works,tomorrow monday Jan 4th at 11:59 p.m. the contest ends, any entries after that time will not be accepted, the winner will be announced Tuesday jan5th, I will post the winner here and on social media, the winner will send me their info and Zenda Slim will ship the prize bottle of Zenda Slim directly to the winner ;) Again, Thanks for joining in y'all!!! And Good Luck!!

  13. I want to loose weight because I'm tired of people pointing out that I've gained weight. Its like hello I know that. Plus it will give me more energy versus being drained all the time.

  14. I want to loose weight because I'm tired of people pointing out that I've gained weight. Its like hello I know that. Plus it will give me more energy versus being drained all the time.

  15. Thanks for your entries!! Again just so everyone understands how this works,tomorrow monday Jan 4th at 11:59 p.m. the contest ends, any entries after that time will not be accepted, the winner will be announced Tuesday jan5th, I will post the winner here and on social media, the winner will send me their info and Zenda Slim will ship the prize bottle of Zenda Slim directly to the winner ;) Again, Thanks for joining in y'all!!! And Good Luck!!

  16. i need to lose sum weight

  17. Okay, the contest is officially over!! Thanks so much everyone for participating I had a lot of fun doing my first contest!!! I will choose the winner in a few minutes after reviewing all the entries again, it will be based on a choosing system I've come up with along with your answers, meaning whomever comes up using the system I've chosen will be be winner as long as the comment includes everything I've asked for!! Once I announce the winner, whoever it is should email their information, full name, address, email the I can communicate with them on, to Heathercraft35@gmail.com. Thanks again, and Good Luck to you all!!

  18. Congratulations Stephanie Mojarro, you are the winner of the Zenda Slim Contest!!! Email me your information ( Full Name, address, phone number, and email address that I can communicate with you on) to Heathercraft35@gmail.com!! I will then submit the contest ending and winner info to Zenda Slim so they can ship your bottle of Zenda Slim directly to you!!
    Also thanks everyone for wmentering the contest! I had a lot of fun doing this contest and am excited to finally say that I will have more contests to come so keep an eye out!! ;) Stephanie Mojarro don't forget email me asap!!
